Play Wizard online from your browser (2025)


Play Wizard online from your browser (1) The trick-taking game Wizard uses a sixty-card deck that consists of the traditional 52-card deck (1-13 in four suits) along with four Wizards (high) and four Jesters (low).

Players compete over multiple rounds based on the number of players, and whoever ends with the highest score wins. In each round, players are dealt a hand of cards — one card in the first round, two cards in the second, three in the third, etc. — then trump is determined by flipping the top card of the undealt deck; if a suit is revealed, that suit is trump, while if the card turned up is a Jester, it is turned down and there is no trump for that round. If the card turned up is a Wizard, the dealer chooses one of the 4 suits as the trump suit. The dealer cannot choose 'no trump'. On the last round of each game all cards are dealt out so there is no trump. Players then state how many tricks they expect to win in the round.

Number of players: 3 - 6

Game duration: 19 mn

Complexity: 3 / 5

Play Wizard and 910 other games online.

No download necessary - play directly from your web browser.

With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.


Play Wizard online from your browser (2)

Discover Board Game Arena

Play Wizard online from your browser (3)


Ken Fisher


Franz Vohwinkel




Developed by


Number of games played

745 725

Number of players

3 - 6

Game duration

19 mn









Available since

Mar 31st 2021



Play Wizard and 910 other games online.

No download necessary - play directly from your web browser.

With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.


Play Wizard online from your browser (4)

Discover Board Game Arena

Rules summary


  • 1 Objective
  • 2 Gameplay
  • 3 Scoring
  • 4 End of Game
  • 5 Variants
    • 5.1 Bidding
    • 5.2 Game Length
    • 5.3 Foresight


The objective is to correctly predict the number of tricks you will take in each round in order to receive points. Highest score wins!


  • Shuffle all 60 cards, include 13 dwarves, 13 elves, 13 giants, 13 humans, 4 wizards and 4 jesters.
  • Deal a number of cards equal to the round number to each player. The next card turned up is trump.
  • If the card is jester, there is no trump. If the card is wizard, the dealer chooses the trump. In the last round there is no trump.
  • Each player, starting from the player to the left of the dealer, bids a number of tricks that they are going to take.
  • The player to the left of the dealer starts the first trick and leads any card. If the card led is a wizard, it wins (the other players may be play any suit). If it is a jester, the next card played determines the lead suit. If only jesters are played, the first jester wins.
  • Players must follow suit if possible. If a player cannot follow, they play any other suit, including the trump suit. Wizards and jesters can be played at any time.
  • A trick is won by the first wizard played. If there are no wizards, it is won by the highest trump. Else, it is won by the highest card of the lead suit. The winner of a trick leads the next trick.


  • If a player predicts correctly, they score 20 points, plus 10 points for each trick taken.
  • If a player predicts wrongly, they lose 10 points for each over or under trick.

End of Game

  • When all the cards are dealt out in a round, that round is the last.
  • That means there are 20 rounds with three players, 15 rounds with four, 12 rounds with five and 10 rounds with 6.
  • At the end of the game, the player with the highest score wins.



  • Hidden prediction: Predictions are revealed simultaneously before the round is played.
  • Plus/minus 1: The total number of tricks predicted by the players may not equal the number of tricks available in any round.
  • Secret prediction: Predictions are not revealed until the round ends.

Game Length

  • 5 rounds: Only 5 rounds are played.
  • Amigo tournament rules: 10 rounds are played with modified number of cards. With 3 players, start with 2 and add 2 each round. With 4 players, start with 1, add 2 until the 6th round, then add 1 each round. With 5 players, start with 2, add 2 in 2nd round and 1 in other rounds.


In the first round, when each player only has one card, players do not look at their own cards. Each player holds their card up in front of their forehead so all other players can see the front of the card. After all players have seen the others’ cards, but not their own, predictions are made.

Board Game Arena would like to thank AMIGO for making it possible to have this game here.

Play Wizard online from your browser (2025)


Can you play Wizard online? ›

With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world. Free. Play Wizard and 930 other games online. No download necessary - play directly from your web browser.

Is Ace high or low in Wizard? ›

A Wizard deck consists of 60 cards: a regular set of 52 playing cards (replaced with custom symbols and colours in some editions), 4 Wizards and 4 Jesters. The Jesters have the lowest value, then the two up to thirteen, then Aces and lastly Wizards as highest in value.

What card game is similar to Wizard? ›

Instinct , Oh Hell! , and Wizard are three similar games: * All three are trick-taking card games; * In all three, you bid how many tricks you believe you'll take in that hand, and you're trying to match that bid exactly; * All three have some sort of trumping in the trick play.

Can I play Wizard101 without downloading? ›

Its impossible to play Wizard101 without download.

Can you play Wizard101 on a website? ›

Wizard101 is an online game that you download and play with other people in a virtual world. To play Wizard101, follow these steps: Register on with a user name and a valid email address.

Is ace the weakest card? ›

In Poker, the Ace is the highest card and the 2 card (Deuce) is the lowest. However, the Ace can also be used as a low card, with the value of 1.

Is ace greater than Joker? ›

When the two jokers are used, they are the highest-ranking trump cards. The spade suit is comprised of 15 cards: the Big Joker (Full-Color Joker) outranks the Little Joker (One-Color Joker), which outranks the ace of spades.

Is ace a 1? ›

card games

the numeral 1 is designated ace and marked A accordingly. In games based on the superiority of one rank over another, such as most trick-taking games, the ace counts highest, outranking even the king. In games based on numerical value, the ace normally counts 1, as in cribbage, or 11,…

What is a trick in the Wizard card game? ›

What is a Trick and who wins the Trick? A trick is the winning of all of the cards in a round. The winner of the trick would either be the highest value card of the first suit played; the highest trump played; or the first Wizard played.

How old is Wizard card game? ›

The card game Wizard was invented by Ken Fisher of Toronto, Ontario, in 1984 and first printed in 1986.

Is Wizard a good card game? ›

More fun than Hearts and Rummy, award-winning Wizard is the Ultimate Game of Trump the whole family can enjoy. The rules are easy to learn -- the strategy adds an exciting challenge.

Can you play Wizard with a normal deck of cards? ›

The trick-taking game Wizard uses a sixty-card deck that consists of the traditional 52-card deck (1-13 in four suits) along with four Wizards (high) and four Jesters (low). Players compete over multiple rounds based on the number of players, and whoever ends with the highest score wins.

Can two people play Wizard? ›

A new set for the classic trick-taking game Wizard, now playable by only two players. This deck includes 36 cards and some new rules.

How many decks for Wizard? ›

Wizard®: A family game for 3-6 players, ages 10 and up. A 60-card deck consisting of cards of 4 colours with numbers 1 through 13 plus four Wizards (Z) and four Jesters (N). The Jesters are lowest in value, followed by two up to ace, with Wizards highest in value.

Can I play Wizard of Legends online? ›

If you're unable to meet up with a friend IRL, hop into Parsec to play the game online. You can even share the game with a few strangers via the Parsec Arcade and partner up with them to escape the dungeon. With Parsec, it's a cinch to start playing with your friends online.

Can you play online with Hogwarts? ›

Hogwarts Legacy is a single-player game and does not have online or co-op gameplay. The game's focus is on delivering a rich single-player, open-world adventure.

Can you be a Wizard in Elder Scrolls Online? ›

Yes. It is absolutely possible to play a pure mage build in Skyrim, but it isn't the easiest way to go. I think the biggest issue is that someone focused completely on using magic would dump all upgrades into magicka and put nothing towards health and stamina.

Is Wizard101 online? ›

Get involved in the free Wizard games for kids and adults to play together and join the adventure to keep Wizard City safe! Wizard101 offers an online Wizard game set in the magical Wizard school, Ravenwood Academy.

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